Back on Home Turf

Yes, quite literally on home turf!
The twins left us last weekend after spending a wonderful week with us, I think they enjoyed it too!
Today we drove the 3 and 3/4 hour journey from Gloucester to Barnham, Suffolk, to stay for a couple of nights while Julia is away doing RAF things.
It should be about 3 hours 20 minutes but only about half an hour away from our destination, after a trouble free journey, we hit roadworks on the A14. 3 lanes down to one on an extremely busy road, hundreds of trucks as well as cars.
Anyway, we got here in time for Julia to show us where the school is so off she went to her mission. About an hour later Marlane and I went to pick them up as they came out of school. A couple of the other mothers asked us if we were there for the twins and they said how lovely they were, and beautiful, although we already knew that of course. Marlane hit the nail on the head when she told them that the girls get it from their Grandad  :-)  When I said that I was just waiting for them to grow a beard one of the ladies said that it starts when you get to 45, as she stroked her chin HAHAHAHAHAHAHAHA
When we got home, to Barnham which is only 10 minutes away, they went out to play for a while on their bikes, in the low branches of the trees, and running around in the nearby field hence the title, back on home turf.
They had dinner, a bath and off to bed after a bedtime story and teeth cleaning. Fast asleep in minutes.
So in the morning it's breakfast and back to school.

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