
Ffenestri ~ Windows

“You, too, can observe the beauty of flowers and nature through the windows of your life if you are willing to open them.”
― Noel Marie Fletcher, (Windows into the Beauty of Flowers & Nature)

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Ar hyn o bryd dwi'n darllen y llyfr 'Windows' gan Lois Arnold. Mae'n llyfr yn Gymraeg o straeon a cherddi i ddysgwyr.

Mae'r adrannau wedi'u graddio am lefelau o brofiad yng Nghymraeg.  Ar hyn o bryd rydw i'n darllen y lefel 'mynediad', y lefel symlaf.  Rydw i'n falch iawn i ffeindio fy mod i'n gallu deall popeth heb ddefnyddio geiriadur.

Bydd hi'n newid fel rydw i'n mynd i fyny'r lefelau ond mae dechrau dda. Mae'r amser cyntaf fy mod i wedi deall cymaint o lyfr stori Cymraeg heb help. Cynnydd.

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At the moment I'm reading the book 'Windows' by Lois Arnold. It is a book in Welsh of stories and poems for learners.

The sections are graded for levels of experience in Welsh. I'm currently reading the 'entry' level, the simplest level. I am very pleased to find that I can understand everything without using a dictionary.

 It will change as I go up the levels but it's a good start. It is the first time that I have understood so much of a Welsh storybook without help. Progress.

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Disgrifiad (Cymraeg): Clawr llyfr: ‘Ffenestri’
Description (English): Cover of a book: ‘Ffenestri’

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