Dim ond pedair awr ar hugain oeddwn i yn Tesco

Dim ond pedair awr ar hugain oeddwn i yn Tesco ~ I was only twenty four hours in Tesco

“... it is often extremely difficult to make adequate provisions for pedestrians. Yet this must be done, because pedestrians are the lifeblood of our urban areas, especially in the downtown and other retail areas. In general, the most successful shopping sections are those that provide the most comfort and pleasure for pedestrians.”
― American Association of State Highway and Transportation Officials (AASHTO)

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(Diolch i Gene Pitney am y gair mwys)

Aethon ni i un o’n hymweliad prin i archfarchnad heddiw. Yn wahân i brynu ychydig o bethau yn y Co-op, roedd ein hymweliad diweddaraf mwyaf i archfarchnad yng nghanol mis Rhagfyr y llynedd - dau fis yn ôl.

Mae’n well gyda fi siopa ychydig y tro, ond weithiau rhaid i ni wneud siop mawr iawn. Mae’n cymryd oriau, nid pedair awr ar hugain, ond digon hir. Gwnaethon ni llenwi llawer o fagiau siopa, gan gynnwys fy hoff hen fag gyda "Gan bwyll a daliwch ati" ar y ffrynt. Roedd e'n gweld ddiwethaf ar Blipfoto yn 2011, ar ein ffordd i India.

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(Thanks to Gene Pitney for the pun)

We went to one of our rare visits to a supermarket today. Apart from buying a few things in the Co-op, our most recent visit to a supermarket was in mid-December last year - two months ago.

I prefer to shop a little at a time, but sometimes we have to do a really big shop. It takes hours, not twenty-four hours, but long enough. We filled lots of shopping bags, including my favourite old bag with "Keep calm and carry on" (in Welsh) on the front. It was last seen on Blipfoto in 2011, on our way to India.

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Disgrifiad (Cymraeg): Bag siopa sy'n dweud "Gan bwyll a daliwch ati"
Description (English): Shopping bag that says "Keep calm and carry on" (in Welsh) 

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