An EB…just forgot today to take a photo.
This was after our long walk on Monday I just thought she looked so peaceful.
WFH first thing on important paperwork that then disappeared as you have to save regularly or it closes due to confidentiality!!! So frustrating!!!
2 good meetings for our LAC pupils.
It’s amazing the resilience some children present.
Tricky day today emotionally as the cat is out the bag about The Rev so I had several calls and texts at work full of platitudes….that I know come from a good lace but sometimes you are not in the mood to hear them….just a few tears!!
Tutoring after school was great…do love my little Millie.
Then dinner at Mum’s restaurant…although the service was late the food (packaged so beautiful in plastic) was tasty. I might return again in a few weeks:))))

Tears are the summer showers to the soul.

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