# spotted this beautiful blossom on the tree this morning

The difference between ordinary and extraordinary is that little extra. It started with extra news from the doctor for me…I’ve got osteoporosis….just the cheerful news we needed to add to everything else!?!?!?&!?@&!
So girls trip next week cancelled as I have an appointment to see a consultant. Hopefully medication could slow it or even reverse it…fingers crossed

School was good…a great extra…massive achievement…got an EHCP (education health care plan) agreed for a year 4 girl. No mean feat….first time application too!!!

This evening extra shopping trip to buy food for 40!!! On Saturday we are doing a fundraising lent lunch for kidney research.

The best extra was I got an extra days pay…if you have a contract and are paid monthly…you worked for nothing :)))

The difference between ordinary and extraordinary is that little extra.

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