Since my last blip yesterday I have somehow managed to lose my spectacles!!!  I didn't go out of the house at all yesterday, well except into the garden and we have both turned the house upside down but they haven't turned up at all.  We've also been out into the small front garden 7 times and no sign whatsoever!!!!  So weird - it's Kreacher, the wicked elf from Harry Potter I'm sure!!!

Today we had dental appointments, just for check ups.  Hubby got the all clear, next appointment in 6 months, I have to go to the Hygienist just due to slight inflammation of the gums  They had an appointment cancelled for this afternoon, so I will be back the dentists at 3.00 this afternoon *sigh*.  I have very sensitive teeth and gums so not a great thing, still it's better than having any other work done.

Whilst in town we went to the Opticians and I have ordered another pair of spectacles as I really do need them.  If the others turn up then I will have a spare pair.  I do have some old ones so I am currently using them  My vision hadn't changed a huge amount but I can feel the difference just a little.

Our pale pink camellia is already going over but I think it still looks rather lovely so that is today's blip sorted.

That's all for today.  Do take care and stay safe and I will see you all tomorrow.

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