'Coffee Break.....'!

"Well what did I tell you ....all my pals....if Annie does get a chance to sit on the lounger..I sit on her.....and very comfortable it was too.....what do you think?? do ye think I look comfortable?? I had to turn around a couple of times before I thought this way was best...... only trouble was she didn't stay long enough......'thru me off muttering something about 'wishing she was a cat'......I've no idea what she meant"!!

What a beautiful day....sunny and beautifully warm all day...
had to iron......(necessity).....
just had time for a quick cup of coffee before getting the dinner prepared.......
and as you can see had 'company' fairly quickly......!
was so comfortable almost fell asleep.....hard to sleep 'tho with kitty claws kneading ever so gently trying to hold on.....!
Anyway was very pleasant while it lasted.......!
Must do it again sometime!!!!
Oh.....have just seen what that Kitty lad has typed above.....the nerve of him...
he has nothing else to do all day....except find the most comfortable sunny spot to SLEEP........Eggy.......you'll KNOW what I'm talking about....don't think I don't know you've been in touch with each other....!!!!
Annie x

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