
By Annieone


Well almost...........!!!
No..not really....I see some 'black spot' and 'yellowing' on the leaves of lots of my roses......and I'm having a running battle with 'white-fly' and green-fly......
this despite spraying and feeding......!
However, I thought my 'Pink Peace' rose looked really nice this evening with the rain-drops glistening on it's petals and leaves....
I love my roses and I particularly like the buds at this stage of opening....!!

We had quite a wet day today...all day.....!!
but the garden is looking the better for it...
We had a 'funny incident' this morning......I went out early (between 7.30 & 8am)
to hang out some clothes before the rain......and was joined by the Kitty Boy shouting about his breakfast...........
well, obviously I wasn't re-acting quick enough.....because when I turned my back for a second..he took a flying leap into the middle of the bed of spinach that I sowed late yesterday evening......started digging like mad and flicking my spinach plants up in the air with his paw......
well, needless to say what I called him is NOT repeatable here on Blip.....
I raced out....we had another shouting match my trowel and re-planted my couple of spinach plants..........with a warning as he pretended to hide
I couldn't believe it as he normally walks on the brick paths and doesn't even stand on my plant beds......!
I wasn't back inside the door.....when he did it again!!!!
there was murder.......until I eventually ended up in a heap laughing.....
re-planted them again and brought him inside with me.....!
I thought afterwards what a great Blip it would have made....but all happened so fast there would have been no photographing it.........!
Mad Cat...he slept inside today cause it was raining.....!

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