The accidental finding

By woodpeckers

Oh Carolina (1960s non-pc atwork alert)

Following the surprising news last week that Gloucestershire County Council has invested £12.2 m in tobacco companies, despite Gloucester's reputation as the "Cancer Capital of the UK", I bring you this jigsaw puzzle which I spotted today in a junk shop and bought for £1.

I like trying to learn the States of the US and their capitals (don't ask me why; I just think maybe I should be better at Geographical knowledge. All I learned at school was about hill sheep and arable farming in the Uk; Sheffield steel; and tea plantations in India and 'Ceylon'. I seem to have been a child of the Empire). Anyway when I got the puzzle home I realised it was more than a bit racially stereotyped in its imagery. CleanSteve looked at the cars in Michigan (Detroit) and decided they were 1960s models. For my part, I never realised the aircraft building industry was so big in the US. So I have got my quid's worth, and for the 1960s, it was a typical representation of 'industry'.

Right now I'm watching a drama about Kenny Everett (loved him!) and trying not to remember that I started sorting out the poetry book section of my study this evening, and have to finish so that I use the room again! To be positive, I have found many books that I thought were lost forever. And many more that will be going to Extra Care, my favourite charity shop in town, though I heard today that it is closing later this year. Where will I get my books and work trousers now?

Oh, and it's begun raining. Rather a lot. Poor Glastonbury festival workers.

Whole jigsaw images of the USA and Scotland. The dark blob under Perthshire is Clackmannanshire, the smallest county. I did my Duke of Edinburgh expeditions there and in Fife, when there were still easy options for girls!

Song: Oh Carolina

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