
By KimberlyJenkins


I'm getting worse at keeping up with this, I know. I'm trying to force myself to make it a habit...and its not working to well. So, yesterday, was a super long day at school. The longest yet. Today we had Politics, Chemistry, Biology, and History which I know doesn't sound long...but it was. ha. I ended up drawing in most of the classes to stay awake because we woke up so early! Maddie was able to come with us to Chemistry which was awesome because she LOVES chemistry (weird right? ha) and we were actually able to work out some of the problems because the symbols are mostly universal. After school we went back to the house and I was able to FaceTime Shelby (my best friend in the whole world :)) We didn't talk long, however because the internet was so spotty. My photo today is of one of the German comics that Herr Dieter gave to me to read while I'm bored (because they're easy to understand)!! It was so nice and unexpected (: As I was looking through them I noticed that (besides everything being in German) the only real difference is Superman's mullet. I thought it was hilarious and sent this picture to a lot of my friends, ha. I was probably too excited, though... We had vegetable ravioli for dinner and an amazing big strawberry shortcake for dessert. Both of which I love, so this was one dinner where I was able to finish my whole meal and the family was very proud. haha. After dinner we got ready and drove to Hanna's to meet Hanna and Maddie to go to the local Flohmarkt (a secondhand "flea-market"). It was the most hipster place I've been since I've been in Germany. I finished buying my sister's birthday/Germany present and it was interesting to see the variety of things there. Maddie bought the German translation of The Hobbit for her brother, which I thought was awesome. We then bought these yummy smoothies and Maddie and I were able to sit down and hang out for a while. We talked about the awkward moments being an "exchange student" and it was extremely comforting to know that I wasn't crazy. ha. After the Flohmarkt we kept the hipster theme alive by going to a really interesting restaurant with...hipster looking things.(?) I dunno, it was cool haha. Maddie and I ordered daiquiris and a rolo (which is somewhat like the German version of a wrap but bigger and not as healthy) and it was delicious. By dinnertime our group of four had multiplied by at least three so we all had a huge table of girls to hang out with. It was a lot of fun, but its extremely difficult to understand people when they talk fast and in a group full of girls all laughing and talking fast it was overwhelming. But great at the same time because everyone was so relaxed and having a lot of fun. After dinner we all rode home and went to bed because by then, it was pretty late.

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