Rhewi sydyn

Rhewi sydyn ~ A sudden freeze

“What I like about Photography is that it takes moments that should have been forgotten, and just Freezes them, and allows us to share it with everyone and share it with future generations. But theirs is also the sense of Secrets of the picture, or the stuff you don’t know, or don’t see. You don’t really know what happened before or after a picture its like time is just frozen in that moment.”
― Jesús Holguin

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Roedd y tywydd yn edrych fel roedd e’n mynd yn dwymach, ond na, yn sydyn mae’n rhewi eto.  Roedd y dŵr yn y bowlen adar wedi rhewi i wneud mynydd iâ bach.  Rydw i’n meddwl roedd y dŵr wedi rhewi ar y wyneb yn gyntaf a phan gweddill y dŵr yn rhewi ac yn ehangu roedd e’n gwthio i fyny.

Rydw i'n cofio gweld lluniau yn y cylchgrawn 'The Countryman' amser maith yn ôl, ond roeddwn i erioed gweld hon fy hun erbyn nawr.


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The weather looked like it was getting warmer, but no, suddenly it's freezing again. The water in the bird bowl had frozen to make a small iceberg. I think the water froze on the surface first and when the rest of the water froze and expanded it pushed up. 

I remember seeing pictures in 'The Countryman' magazine a long time ago, but I had never seen this myself until now.

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Disgrifiad (Cymraeg): Dŵr wedi'i rewi mewn powlen adar
Description (English): Frozen water in a bird bowl

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