
By Stace91

Sometimes all you can do...

Is drink tea.

We finally found a house! Moving in this weekend.
It has been 3 weeks since I moved in with my sister, looking forward to getting my bed back.

I guess there are lessons you are meant to learn from different experiences. I have learnt that you can handle a lot more than you think you can but you can't always be the strong one and it is okay to have time to yourself to cry into your pillow. I have also learnt that relationships are insane! Whether romantic, friendly or family relationships.

Life has a funny way of screwing you over and sometimes it feels like the universe got bored and decided to do a practical joke on you.

With this situation I have seen how much I have grown as a person, but it also has given me a good indication on what I can and cannot tolerate from people.

It has shown me that life is way to short to be making enemies because you never know when you may need help. People forget that. Even though we don't know when our time will be up, you also don't know how long you will be here and I'm only 21... I have a while to go I hope, if I made enemies now I would be in deep waters and I can't swim to good.

With the sound of rain hitting the windows and a cup of tea in my hand, I just want this new chapter to start, and for the universe to get back to the way it was... Please.

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