
By MumOf4Wildlings

Disturbed night

This jedi had a awful night with coughing.  I gave him a few doses of throat medicine and slathered his feet and chest with vicks. I did the same this morning for him too. Thankfully he hasn't coughed much throughout today but I let him nap after nursery for a while. 

I feel like a walking zombie today. I took some strong pills last night and got a couple of hours before I ended up in with the jedi. 
I need to find my bupa details and email my surgeon.  I'm worried my remaining shoulder bicep is starting to go. The other one is in my bicep so I only have the one that connects up into the shoulder.  But it's been so sore today and work was challenging.  I have wounds on top of my wounds. I was supposed to be on a different student but I didn't want to jeopardise my shoulder.  That student is a lot bigger. And he's always on the go. I quite happily enjoy working with the smaller one even though I always have to be on guard. But he's a lovely wee soul . 

I'll be taking strong painkillers when the wildlings are in bed so I can get a few hour's sleep. 

I need to bath the wildlings and then pick Mr R up from work . Thankfully he wasn't having to drive anywhere today so he gave me the car instead of me having to cycle.  
But when he's home I'll be having dinner and then bed. I've said to him I can't go through the pain like the last time. And I wasn't working then . 

Harper is knackered.  She needs a good sleep tonight.  

I caught up with yesterday's blips but not sure about today's. 

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