The Hall

Well, actually just a part of the hall, photographed because I didn't have any other pictures from earlier in the day. So, something of an emergency blip.
Our house was built in 1921, but sometime in the 1950's  it was extended and a new bathroom and what is now the front door, stairs and a landing were added on to the side.  I suspect there was no bathroom before that, perhaps a toilet under the original stairs? Life was very different then and there was a family of 6 living here so they certainly needed a bit of extra room!
Which is a long-winded way of writing there is now a largish hall where the original stairs were, and this picture shows a piece of it.
The FilmStudio film this evening was an Israel's Oscar entry, Cinema Sabaya. A group of women, who all work for the local council in various roles, are on a course in how to make film. All the main actors were women and all the action takes place in the classroom. We see the outside world only through the film clips produced as part of the course. The film opens as the woman arranging the course arrives to set things up, and it closes as the course finishes and each participant gets their certificate.
Jan, Rose and myself have all run very similar courses teaching English for various organisations, and all been on at least one similar film making course and the film seemed very true as we discovered more and more about the people taking part and their lives. Another film to recommend!
The lovely painting of a birch forest in my blip is by our neighbour, friend, and former colleague Ann Larsson-Dahlin.

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