Winter is here at last!

Dull, chilly, breezy - not really tempted to go gardening today! Spent the morning sorting out stuff - piles of papers, Photo Club scoresheets, lists of places to see in London and much more.  I've just begun to read 'Georgian London - into the Streets', by Lucy Inglis, which for a London lover as I am, is really interesting. After the Great Fire of 1666 a vast rebuilding programme began and this book takes you through the years beyond and the foundations for the future. I'm going down after Easter and will have a long list of places I want to visit!

Went out for a wander after lunch, beginning with a look at the 'work' the council has been doing at McCaig's Tower, about which I shall say nothing, except of course, 'No comment', which says it all.

Did a quick circuit of the local roads, had a couple of chats with friends, and came back to take a few photographs on the deck. Among the plants I bought the other day was a potful of winter aconite, Eranthis hyemalis, my Blip today. I've never had any success with these, though I've planted a lot over the years - they have just faded away. They're supposed to prefer an alkaline soil, so once these are over I shall repot them with a touch of lime and await results. Does anyone else do well with them?

Random Quote of the Day - "It's exciting to have a real crisis on your hands, when you have spent half your political life dealing with humdrum issues like the environment.' Margaret Thatcher.

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