Perfectly pink

I went to collect sis from Christie’s
We were caught on the hoof as we thought this was her last session of the current chemo, followed by a 3 week break.

Turns out it was the first of her next chemo, completely different types, even more aggressive than what she’s been having, but it only takes half the time to administer ….. she messaged me at 9.30 saying she would be done much earlier!

I’d just washed my hair and was mid putting laundry on so had to get a move on! Picked her up at 11, she was ok, bit of a woozy head, but had had that beforehand. She now has 3 weeks off, then 2 more sessions across the next 6 weeks & that is all her chemo done :-)

We went back to hers, had a sandwich for lunch, we then popped out to Asda & Home Bargains…..where I saw this retry firmed pink camellia, I was tempted to buy it, but resisted as my garden has no borders yet.
Back to sis’s for another brew before I left for my GP follow up post my initial new patient health check.

All good, but time to get rid of the weight once gained & reduce my cholesterol.

Been to the pub quiz tonite, we came second….. was a tough one.

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