Sleepy Cherryblossom

By CherryBee

Falcon Square, Inverness

Blipped in black and white it looks like today was horrible and cloudy, but actually its still really warm and quite sunny here.
Though not, thank God, as hot as yesterday! :o)

So this is the sculpture by Gerald Laing in the middle of the recently (well, around 2003) created Falcon Square in Inverness.
(He also did our Sherlock Homes statue on Picardy place in Ed)
It is a new Mercat Cross consisting of a 3ft plinth (which is always covered in lots of people eating sarnies, or the Yoof of Inverness with their 'emo' clothes, surly expressions and skateboards - the square being new, flat and even is a skateboarding haven!) a 37ft sandstone pillar with 4 bronze sundails, 4 falcons circling around it and a rearing Scottish unicorn on top.

Yep, a unicorn!
I'm not sure what this means but, unless I'm mistaken, I think there are also unicorns adorning the pillars around the entrances to The Meadows, so perhaps it some sort of historical scottish thing?! I feel I should know!
Someone out there can tell me I'm sure....

Today was very pleasant, finally finished holiday clothes shopping with mum this morning (they leave tonight!) and I even bought some t-shirts - I know this doesn't sound very exciting, but I don't do summer clothes. Thats how warm its been here!
Then spent a lovely afternoon having tea and chatter with mum and Nicola and planning painting hols :o)

M+D leave late tonight and my brother along with them so from tomorrow its just me and Felix - expect plenty of cat blips!

Hope you are all having a lovely weekend, I plan to catch-up with my comments v soon x

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