From the dark corner.....

By Rozwood1970

Well, it's not a seagull! / Armed Forces Day

Considering I slept through my alarm and got up two hours late at 7am, my usual 'work out how much time you really need then triple it' philosophy worked well! After my internal clock had stopped whirring around like a Catherine wheel, all was well. I am tranquil and unworried, especially as now I am in the right country again. A week of Ayrshire air beckons me.

Leaving, I could hear Bony screeching to me and rattling his ribs as I banged the front door shut behind me. Never mind! I'll bring him a hat or something from the airport.

Well the skies are a bit grey up here but as my soggy pigeon (same one as yesterday) reminded me this morning as I slurped my tea, Scottish rain is much nicer than Brummie rain. Pigeon is still very curly by the way. I'm wondering if there are chicken roots somewhere!

Oh in case anyone wondering, no I did not have a dodgy perm myself yesterday! As I told Cara, I had a perm when I was about 19, wanting to look like a wild rock chick with a tousled mane and come-to-bed eyes but I think I looked more like a tame poodle who'd been pulled through a hedge backwards and should-have-had-one-less-pint eyes. Oh well, it soon calmed down mercifully!

Anyway, back in Ayr, after mom had stopped talking for five minutes, I ran towards the beach for my blip. Sorry for the trivial waffle beforehand but after I realised that no-one was coming to get me and throw me out of Scotland, I suddenly remembered that today was Armed Forces Day everywhere. Tributes and events were going on all over the country with Ayr being no exception. Dad would have loved it. After 27 years in the army, he never lost his love of the armed forces. Two tanks passed me on the way up the beach front - here's one - and this lovely helicopter. The best thing is that I was there and back in the house in under five minutes.

I am now keeping my fingers crossed I get some decent weather this week.

Track? I nearly posted Led Zeppelin yesterday but went for Slade instead so today I have decided on a tune that Robert Plant wrote especially for people in this part of the world - St-AYR-way To Heaven

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