Late blue skies

The day started with a phone call from Burton Hospital. A nurse to check out details and share info with B for his appointment next Wednesday. She rang back half an hour later to say his prep instructions were being changed and it will arrive in the post.

Into town for the hair appointment that was moved from yesterday. The weather was a bit iffy, so I allowed a bit of time to do a couple of errands first. I don’t mind getting wet before my hair do, but certainly not after after it’s done. 

We were planning to go on a bus trip to the National Arboretum next Wednesday so I returned the tickets to the museum where I bought them. There is no point in there being empty seats when someone may wish to go in our place. 

Hair done, a good catch up on all the news and a visit to Tesco’s for petrol and something easy for an early dinner as we are going out this evening.

R & S picked us up before 6pm to go to an event at Majestic Wines. A wine blending competition!! A new one on me!! I’m a lady of simple tastes when it comes to booze ……white wine …..New Zealand Sauvignon Blanc, any of the Marlborough wineries, red wine …….Argentinian Malbec, beer …… Newcastle Brown Ale. Last night was an education. I teamed up with R, whilst B & S worked together, there were 3 other teams. We didn’t win … that was certainly not a surprise, but we had lots of fun and interesting company. I probably consumed more than my normal quantity as there was a lot of sampling and no spitting out. I slept well, so no complaints there. 

I got my blip just before we went out when the weather was the best of the day. 

The extra is a view of the booze behind me, never tried this colour ……maybe some other time!!!! 

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