Big Day Out (v6)

Junior and I decided to forego the delights (or otherwise) of our National Stadium's catering outlets, and went upmarket for lunch at The Burrell Collection. 

The last time he was there was when he was 4 or 5 years old, and he does not remember. We have remedied that. The burgers were delicious, the surroundings were classy and I got a Blip out of it. 

The football (Queen's Park v Raith Rovers) was extremely dull, but we (the home team) earned a valuable point (it finished 0-0). At least the banter in the crowd was lively. 

My Extra is the start of Kirkcaldy Parkrun in *drumroll* perfect sunshine. It was only 1º when I got up, but the sun has that wee touch of warmth now - even as early as 09.30. 

A lovely day out... and a very enjoyable run.  

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