Pairing Up

Somehow, we managed to do nothing today other than the daily routine. I try to spend more time with The Lord during Lent. And I tried to read more of your journals. My sister and I enjoyed bird watching. So many of them are coming to the feeders in pairs. We have two blue jay couples. We came to town for Mass, a Chinese dinner and shopping. We are heading back to the hills now. Lauren has had River at the ER all day. She got no diagnosis at the first hospital. They decided to take River to a hospital in Annapolis that has a separate pediatric unit. River’s hives are worse; almost completely covering his body, he has a temp of 102°F and he is unsteady on his feet. His poor little face is swollen. We are waiting for news from the second hospital. Hubby has been at our parish hall since 6:30 and won’t get home until late. He’ll head to the farm tomorrow after 7:00 Mass. Hoping your weekend has been as quiet as ours. Stay safe. Thanks for visiting. “The Blue Jay teaches us that outward beauty is not everything, be sure to work on inward beauty too and be careful not to pressure others to your will.” - Zazzle

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