
It rained all night and into the morning. I woke and was up before 8am and did quite a lot before it stopped and we could get outside. 

We got the pots on to saucers, rearranged, and the rest of the patio cleaned. I planted some rose bushes that came bare rooted and have started off  well in pots.  The back of the garage paved area is tidied up and only needs cleaning. It doesn’t sound a lot but was hard work. 

My Gardeners World magazine was delivered yesterday and contained a packet of sunflower seeds. I rarely use them but recently have collected cardboard loo roll tubes to use for planting and got a tray full set up. I have a plan to try out. 

Amber’s walk was extended this afternoon, we had an important item to post and chose to walk to the nearest post box, rather than go by car. We were a bit puffed by the time we got back. 

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