
By BethAndCo

Day out with Anneliese

The last few mornings, as Eva has been in bed fast asleep by 7.30 pm latest (she's been so tired by then), she has started waking up around 5.15am. I've been changing her nappy, giving her a feed and she's been going back to sleep til around 9 am and still needing her nap, as usual, an hour and a half later, so yet again we're back to the whole morning being taken up, even if she is now going to bed a lot earlier. It's a tricky one, I was thinking if getting her up for a 'dream feed' as I go to bed but worried she wouldn't settle back down. Tricky one. Guess I'll just go with it.

Anyway, we'd arranged Touchwood with Anneliese for today, so by the time we were ready to leave the house it was 11.30am, and as I hadn't eaten a thing yet and we were both starving, we decided we'd have a wander round then go for Pizza Hut for lunch. It was deeeelish. I fed Eva in there too, I'm getting braver as the weeks go by that's for sure! And Eva is an absolute pleasure to take out, she's such a happy baby.

Mike as usual, gave her her bath before bedtime. It was so lovely to see him pouring the water from the little plastic, yellow, toy teapot over Eva's tummy and her putting her little hand out to feel the water run onto her hand. She's also started kicking her legs more to splash in the bath now. She absolutely loves her baths and doesn't mind the water going on her face or anything bless her <3

She was in bed by around 7.30 pm wearing her new pussycat baby grow from Next,(todays pic with her little legs in the air) and Mike and I had a Chinese and sat watching Glastonbury on the red button with a few drinks. Lovely evening.

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