Tree surgery and a sad day

My first husband, the father of two of my children, died this morning at his home. My daughter and two of his other daughters were with him. His older brother Jim died only 6 days ago.
The photo I took this morning when I went to investigate the loud noise. They cut the whole tree down - it was diseased so I had been expecting it. The tree was on the avenue which adjoins ours at right angles.
Terry got his walk today! At last. He had a good walk in Taylor Park. He took nuts for the squirrel - w usually see plenty of them - today there was only one and it didn't come for the nuts! 
See extra for swan's nest - no swan near it but several on the lake.
I had a bad night due to pain in my shoulder, neck, clavicle and scapula - woke after about 4 hours sleep and could not settle in any comfortable position after that. I had a kip on the settee this afternoon after 2 x 200mg of ibuprofen and 2 paracetamol, Woke up pain-free - although i know it won't last, it's nice not to be in that pain for a while.

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