Another walk

Terry didn't fancy another walk today but I did and once I had pegged out the washing off I went. Lots of blooms and flowers to see. I saw many daffodils, camellias, magnolias, cherries. This one is a particularly lovely one on Prescot Road, not too far from where we live. I always stop to admire it when it's in full flower.
Walked to town but didn't go in any shops, just waited for the bus home from Bridge Street.
A day without rain again. It was warm, I think I spotted 15.2C on our temperature gauge which is outside but in full shade.
Cut both lawns this afternoon and accidentally chopped a bit of the lawn edging - oops.
Terry has had a bit of a walk down the back garden and he brought in a few items of dry washing, which is more progress. He has been washing up for a while now and cooking, so his rehab is moving on fine.

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