"If I Were A Rich Man"

Still sorting out all of my junk, dusting and cleaning.
Came across a load of money, actually it's very little money, just big numbers!
These notes are from Russia, Ukraine, Lebanon, Jordan, Syria, and I know that somewhere I have Saudi and Turkish notes. Just odd notes that I didn't get to spend before returning home from teaching telecom engineers in foreign climes!
The extra is a postcard from the hotel I stayed in when teaching in Damascus. The Damascus Sheraton, pretty magnificent hotel, was on one side of a roundabout called 'Omayyad Roundabout', expats called it 'Oh My God' roundabout because it had 7 major roads meeting on it. The roads lead to Lebanon, Palestine, Jordan, Iraq and can't remember the others, possibly Saudi.
It's been an interesting life  :-)

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