Getting there

Another rainy day. 
Photo is of the cherry in our front garden. Cherry blossom always looks lovely but very often gets ruined by rain / wind! It's still not in full bloom - hope the weather doesn't wreck it once it is.
Not done much at all today - lazy day. Felt like weekend doing so little - the rain puts you off. I had a mooch around the garden after I filled the bird feeders and I've done some minimal household chores so I am not sure where the day has gone.
Car in for MOT tomorrow and Terry says the forecast is for a fine day (we'll see) which I would like as we have quite a lot of washing.
Karen phoned me with more drama and stress which I won't go into but I can do without it and so can Karen!
Been planning days out and caching on our booked holidays.
Today I've had practically no shoulder pain at all and I am convinced it's the double dose of statin that has been doing it. took the original dose last night and soon after taking it I had some shoulder pain but it eased off once in bed. I think I will take the old dose again tonight as I don't want to risk that pain again. I should discuss this with either the pharmacist or the GP but it will be weeks before I can get to discuss it with my GP!

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