
Today's the day . . . . . . . . . . . to go to the market

We went to the Wednesday market in Voiron this morning which runs from 6.30am until 12.30pm - and where it is possible to buy every sort of fruit, vegetables, fish, meat and a whole host of other things like clothing, shoes, bags, jewellery etc etc.

The array of fresh produce was overwhelming - and like the above selection of mushrooms very different from what might be on offer in the UK - very French in fact.  It was a pleasure to talk to the stall owners about their produce, taste a sample and then decide on a purchase.

I couldn't help thinking that we've lost our way a bit when it comes to food production these days.  Simple, fresh, good ingredients don't get much of a look-in, in most supermarket trolleys any more . . . . . . . . . . . 

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