Montagnes de Chartreuse

Today's the day . . . . . . . . . for the high peaks

We headed up into the Vercors mountains today for lunch in the small town of Autrans - an early celebration of Marie Claire's birthday next week. 

At this time of the year, Autrans would normally be packed with skiers and other winter sports enthusiasts - but there has been no serious snowfall since early February and everywhere the closed signs are up (see extra). Fortunately, it didn't stop us having a lovely lunch!

The above was taken on our way home as we descended via many scary hairpin bends, out of the Vercors.  We could see across the valley of the Isere River where Grenoble spreads itself out, to the dramatic mountains of the Chartreuse Range.  The ridge on the right is le Neron - and lit up in the far distance is Chamechaude . . . . . . . . 

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