Pass the Spinach!

The Husband's work do at the Royal New Zealand Yacht Squadron this evening, and the theme was "A night on the high sea". I really should have taken my camera along. The winner of the costume competition was one of the Husband's team mates who came as a lighthouse, complete with flashing light and his wife dressed up as a Lighthouse Keeper. They were sensational!

The Husband was one of 4 Popeyes and I was one of 3 Olive Oyls.

We stayed at the Copthorne (should have been called the is VERY tired). Nice to have a night out and then stay in town afterwards.

The Husband played football prior to the night out, and they lost 7-0 playing the top team. While he was there, the girls and I enjoyed the beach. It's been a stunner today. No jumpers required.

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