Spring has arrived

I felt it was a good omen when I discovered Stormin' Norman, the tortoise, was already strolling around his enclosure at 9am. It has indeed proved a beautiful, and very warm, day. The first  Pasque Flower (Pulsatilla vulgaris) opened, laundry dried quickly, and we got quite hot on our bike ride into town. 

This evening, we attended our local film club where "The Great Escaper " was being shown. It is based on the true story of Bernard Jordan, a Royal Navy veteran who, in 2014, "escaped" from his care home to attend the 70th anniversary commemoration of D-Day, in France. 
We thought it was very good, and especially poignant, as it stars Michael Caine as Bernie, and the late Glenda Jackson playing Rene his  wife, in their last film.      

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