Tân gwyllt

Tân gwyllt ~ Firework

“You ever wish that fireworks were incredibly quiet and also didn't disappear so quickly and also you could keep them in your home and also you could hold them in your hands? Because if so, I'd love to introduce you to, flowers.”
― Johnny Sun
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Gwylio’r gwanwyn bob blwyddyn fel gweld sioe tân gwyllt araf. Mae’r blodau yn mynd ‘pop’ bob dydd ac weithiau yn ffrwydro eu petalau ar draws yr ardd. Mae’n sioe wych.

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Watching spring every year is like seeing a slow firework show. The flowers go 'pop' every day and sometimes explode their petals across the garden. It's a great show.

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Disgrifiad (Cymraeg): Petalau blodau, fel tân gwyllt
Description (English): Flower petals, like fireworks

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