Poet unknown

The elephant is a dainty bird
It flits from bough to bough
Builds it's nest in a rhubarb tree
And whistles like a cow.

.... It's been a bit of a day.

Laundry out - rain - laundry in
Walk up the town to fetch paper
Laundry out - rain - too bad!
Hubby not taking correct meds dosage... Grh!!
Phonecall with Ness Hub manager re dementia daycare. A visit with Mum next Wednesday.
Drove down to CK. The house cold? Mum had switched the central heating system off at the mains. ( Which was covered with tape, to prevent being switched off).
Mum telling me something but I could not make head nor tail of, sadly.
The dog going "bonkers". It did'nt help.
Sorted central heating.
Walked Indie. She ran off on the way home, totally ignoring my recall.
Pest control van parked outside Mum's. Argh! Phew! Gentleman sat in vehicle. He came in, laid the bait, then searched the exterior walls for ways in. State of the art traps laid. Blue disposable gloves stuffed in the gaps. He'll be back sometime next week.
Mum had misplaced her glasses so that was the next job... Found tucked away where she had been sat doing the latest jigsaw puzzle yesterday.
Not sure what the cleaner used to wipe the Ercol dining table but it stripped it bare. *I quite like it like tbis". No way!! Lunch went in the oven. I gave the table a rejuvenating facial. It came back a treat. Now I'm thinking about the chairs & sideboard.
Lunch served.
Home to lunch... Happy days!
A bit of admin.
Made enquiries with Wiltshire Farm Foods, & Devon Farm Kitchen regarding meal dimensions, delivery days etc.
Laundry dry.
Made dinner, got that in the oven.
Cider time.

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