
Kind of abstract-not-abstract

All about water. Water-lily and water-soldiers and water-mint. And water, of course. And blanket-weed, which is not a plant, it's algae that organises itself into filaments, and when you try to pick it up, it flows away from you, because it's mostly water. And clouds, which are water. And floating forsythia flowers - floating in part I think because they are buoyant, like a boat, but also due to surface tension, the cohesive force between molecules at the surface  of the water that can prevent something breaking the surface, even if, in principle it is dense enough to sink

We did some more room painting - water-based paint - and began cleaning up the floor (bucket of water). The whole project started because the plaster on one of the walls got water

I tried to get a reflection of the moon in the water, but the camera wouldn't really play - it preferred its own version of abstract. To the eye the reflection was clear. To find water on the moon, they have to send up rockets, but finding the moon on water is easy

So maybe my picture is not really very abstract but, of course, it's perfectly possible to abstract water

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