Diary of an Edinburgher

By LadyMarchmont

Food and Fotos

Off into town to see the Conde Nast Fashion photos at the City Art Gallery. Excellent exhibition, with some costumes from the ECA Degree Show and some Colourist paintings showing the fashions of the day. And I must say, I liked these photos more than the Man Ray exhibition, although he had lots of famous folk, of course.

A bonus was a delicious lunch at a cafe not very far from there, in fact, right opposite. Haven't been there for ages after having a meal smothered in inedible melted tasteless cheese. Every meal was covered in the stuff.

However, we happened to glance in and check out the menu. Looked enticing. The muzak was barely audible, and it was jazz... so we plonked down and had honestly the best meals I've had for a long time in the city. Fresh, interesting, tasty salads and the most delicious roasted sweet potato wedges and caramelised red onions. I had cajun chicken, with roasted aubergine, black bean and fresh mango on greens, and JR had an equally delicious crispy toasted halloumi, sun dried tomato and chick peas on greens. Both with tasty dressings.

The cakes looked divine too. We managed to share a courgette cake which was amazing. Given an afernoon, I could have eaten the whole cake. AND we brought home two rhubarb tarts, that look like wee pork pies. We were well pleased. I love finding places that I can recommend to the house swaps.

I'd give this place 9.5 out of 10. They lost .5 because it was, after all, modern jazz. But very very quiet.

I'm off to watch the Stones at Glastonbury. Now where did I put those little rhubarb tarts...

Somebody asked about the 5/2 diet the other day - it's kind of slipped. Will start again when we're in Copenhagen and can't afford to eat...

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