Another Function...

...for our multi-function room. We used to have one of those at the elementary school I attended . It was cafeteria, auditorium and more, with a folding door that pulled across the middle of the room so that it could be turned into two rooms. Our room is a bit simpler, smaller, no folding door, no stage and no food served (if what passed for our school lunch could be called food). We do have three desk/tables lining three sides and one corner of the room and no rug so that we can roll around on our desk chairs and do Pilates (not at the same time. We haven't quite decided where to put the Peloton yet, but we may have to move the Pilates class* to the living room as there may not be room for the two of us and the bike. I left in the backdrop of John's messy desk which is actually quite a bit cleaner than before.

John's deferred filing system consisting of piles of papers everywhere was finally dealt with (almost) when he couldn't find the invoice for the heat pump which we needed for a rebate. I will spare the details and drama of the search, the lecturing, the tedious trolling through the piles of paper, the calls to the installer for copies and the trip across town to their offices to pick up said copies. The whole thing turned me to Mom mode, banning John from leaving the house until his room desk was cleared of piles. A few have been shifted to my worktable, but they seem to have something to do with taxes which are due soon, so I granted them a dispensation. Especially since my sewing machine has been enjoying a respite.

Two burly guys delivered the bike and set it up. I managed to get the cleats on the shoes  and  Jim and Dana will be along later to set up the wifi and whatever else has to be done so that I can pedal through Alaska or around Lake Como again. John has expressed some interest in riding too. We'll see how that turns out.

I had another assessment by Julia, my physical therapist who seemed happy with my progress. She is quite restrained and somewhat noncommittal (except when she is enthusiastically and painfully pushing my leg into extension). I told her that it wasn't quite  as painful today, but I still had to practice my diaphragmatic breathing to keep from kicking her in the head. I don't think she has much sense of humor either....

It's been sunny and sort of warm today but the rain is supposed to return tomorrow and into the weekend. Spring is taking it's sweet time committing itself.

* I actually joined the class this morning and was able to do just about everything except side lunges. I'm hoping to have some private classes with my Pilates teacher with an eye to getting back into my old Wednesday class again. 

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