Still loving the shoes

The middle boy had a party to go to today so I dutifully drove him into the big smoke with the littlest in tow.

A couple of hours spent inside a noisy and crowded amusement arcade is not my idea of a fun way to spend even a rainy day so you can imagine how I felt on what was one of the warmest days this year! Still the party invitee had a brilliant time with his pals inside the soft play world and the littlest and I escaped for a good chunk of the party time and wandered along the beach front.

I haven't been at the beach in Aberdeen for ages and forgot how busy the cafes and ice cream parlours got on a sunny Sunday, not to mention on a day when the Race for Life was taking place. The esplanade was a sea of pink.

After then party we had a brief play on the beach before heading home for some gardening and catching up at home. My lovely husband (now blipping as thedog123), and the eldest has spent the afternoon in the complete contrast from the busy amusement park, climbing the three minor peaks of Bennachie. It's fair to say I was a little jealous!

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