
By Grammy

Oh, the Weather Forecast

Our mother was happy to get her Easter dinner last evening. She’d had other visitors during the day but we were the first to bring food. That visit closed up another busy holiday. We were up early this morning. We did two loads of laundry, a bit of housework and hubby worked on his “find a grave” research. I went out to find a blip. Weeded some gardens and fertilized my bulb beds while I was at it. This whimsical mini garden flag is in front garden. It describes my sentiments for this week. It is chilly and damp today. We were awaken early this morning by thunder and lightning. The rain will start again this evening and continue until Wednesday evening with winds and occasional thunderstorms. Our beautiful blooming trees will be ruined. Probably my tulips and daffs also. We are afraid to plant my tender lettuce and herbs my sister gave me before this storm. As for some happy news, Chase got his driver’s license today. Mack missed getting her learner’s permit by one point. She will try again soon. These grands are getting too old all at once. Renee brought us three different types of salad. Kristen just offered two homemade soups. Combined with the leftovers from Kristen’s dinner yesterday, my cooking will be minimal for days. We are so blessed. Guess we will just snuggle with Millie and read this week. Hope you were not victim to too many April Fool’s jokes today. We escaped untouched. Stay safe. Thanks for dropping by. “April hath put a spirit of youth in everything.” – William Shakespeare

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