Reasons to smile...

By Lauraiea

first aid

I've just given myself first aid. Not bad eh? No blood visible and nice and padded, secure and clean.

"How did you get such an injury to your middle finger Laura?" I hear you ask. Well, what happened was I was putting milk away in the fridge having made a cup of tea (decaf- its almost bed time!) And I simply didn't move my hand away fast enough when I pushed it closed. The fridge is kind of inside a cupboard (I don't know the right term, integrated?) So it kind of got stuck between the fridge and cupboard bit (which are also connected so really I have no idea how I managed this.)

It was mega sore- I hit the door closed with a bit much force- I just grabbed my hand and stood over the sink (avoiding having to clean up too much blood! Even in pain I'm thinking relatively logically!)

So. I have a massive bruised and cut middle finger.

But the first aid is impressive isn't it?

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