From the dark corner.....

By Rozwood1970

And so the week begins....

I felt slightly woolly headed getting up this morning. Dr. Bertie (retired doctor and now lay preacher who did dad's funeral service) orders his wine by the case. Last week, mom took his wine delivery in as he asked mom if she minded, as he was going to be out when it arrived. Bertie gave mom a bottle for me (mom isn't into red wine) saying 'That's a bloody good wine!'

Mom had a couple of glasses and I had the rest last night and I must say, Bertie was right. Perez Cruz from Chile is definitely a bloody good wine! It was very deep, very red and wonderfully velvety and spicy. Mmmmmm! It was a fine end to the weekend.

Today was quite uneventful with no one ringing and no one sending troubles so I just ploughed on with a couple of reports. Mom went to mass as usual and came back via M&S to get lemon cheesecakes which I love and the day trundled on. It was 3:15pm, my finish time before I knew it.

It looked OK outside so I thought I'd better go out for some fresh air and to catch my blip. As the water looked blue and I could see Arran in the distance, I headed down to the seafront. I wondered why I'd bothered as it was very windy! I got a face full of sand as soon as I got there and my eyes were streaming so much it's a wonder I got any pictures at all. Contact lenses and sand do not mix well! I didn't stay long and stumbled home virtually blinded after a few minutes.... There endeth Monday.

Hell! I have just scratched my head while I am sat here writing and a load of sand has dropped out of my hair onto my iPad!

Track? Well I'm still in Stones mode so here is probably one of the finest. It's the sort of song that would make you want to change your name. I wonder if there are any men out there called Angie?

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