Red and Blue Men

Were did these red and blue men come from and where are they going???
They look a bit scary - like something out of Dr. Who, but apparently they are quite harmless. They boys were not worried.

These men were at the harbour in Newcastle. We are on the ferry on the way to Amsterdam (Holland). The long journey home has started.

Beat was a naughty boy this morning. He rolled in fox pooh and we didn't realise until he was in the car and I was ready to go. Kath thought she could smell fox pooh, but I couldn't. Not until I shut the car door. The stink in the car was unbearable! So my departure was postponed 20 mins whilst Beat had a bath.

And I had a huge argument with the staff on the ferry car deck as they wanted to park my car, so I couldn't get to Beat and Biscuit. They said I should have booked kennels and since I hadn't, it had to be as it was, as they needed to make sure there was enough room for all of the cars.

I told them I had paid a fortune to get my dogs on board (£ 2o for each dog - £ 60 in all) and they feel safer in the car, so they were not going to any kennels. I was very cross, so they eventually gave up. I had to back the car all the way through the ferry down some very steep slopes to get out again and then wait 20 mins before getting on board, but it was worth it as I am parked 2 mins from my cabin and with lots of room around my car for the dogs to get in and out and exercise a little.

Time for a shower I think. And then it will be time to go see the dogs and make sure they are ok.

Thanks for putting Kath and the dogs on the spotlight page yesterday.

Night night, Blippers.
Emmy and the Hazyland Boys

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