Home! Finally!

I can't remember the last time I've been this tired.

We gad a smooth crossing on the ferry. We came on board at 3 pm, I went to check on the dogs at 7 pm and again at 10.30 just before bedtime. My alarm rang at 7 am and I went to say good morning to the dogs. I was there 3 times during the nearly 20 hours we were on the ferry. We walked up and down the car deck 100 times. But Beat and Biscuit decided that there was no way they would pooh or have a wee 'indoors'. Hero got the 'this is where we go for walks today' idea very quickly and 'did his thing' no problem, but the others held it in for 20 hours. Poor boys. I stopped as soon as we came out of the ferry area and let them out.

So this is the boys on the harbour in Amsterdam, Holland.
I thought the EU flag with the rude finger in the background was funny ;-)

We have driven through Holland, Germany and Denmark all day. We have had 4 short shops - but really we just wanted to go home.

When we finally arrived to Sorø, we went directly to the lake rather than home. I thought a swim would be exactly what the boys needed after such a long journey.

We are home now. All our stuff (luggage) is in a big pile in the middle of the living room floor and I don't care. I just want to go to bed. It has been a 36 hour long journey.

Night night
Emmy and the Hazyland boys

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