
By WhiskyFoxtrot

The Day After

All kinds of things went wrong today.

The shop had no soya milk. I returned to an inbox busting at the seams.
In the midst of the rubble was a massive task, due in two weeks when I had scheduled four. The task I was set to do got shoved aside. One of my co-workers I rely upon told me she's leaving the job at the end of the month. My building pass was revoked and I couldn't get out at lunchtime to breathe some fresh air. I rode home in the pouring rain. My techno geek friend couldn't fix the computer problem.


Dr T's optimism has rubbed off on me after all these years. Nowadays I try not to moan because it can become an unhelpful habit, anchoring me to a moment and a hurt rather than letting me move on to be in the present.


The shop hasn't let me down in two years of visiting it and will have some soya milk tomorrow. I eventually released my inbox from the clutches of unwanted emails. My two closest colleagues offered to rearrange their schedules to help with the massive task. I got to do a little of the work I wanted to do at the end of the day. My co-worker has got a big promotion so I couldn't be cross she's leaving. I did get a new pass and have a renewed appreciation of my freedom to get outside. As I was riding home in the pouring rain I was grateful I was on my way home rather than going into work. (I got to ride through some big puddles like a little kid.) My friend has some time to come back tomorrow for a second go. Plus, after he left I had the house to myself and finished reading my book. Bliss.

Still, it's good to let it all out.

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