Bits and Bobs!

By Kate64

La belle France, enfin! - Jour 6

Mondrian - From Vermeer to Van Gogh, Bassins des Lumières, Bordeaux -

Another long day, and chillier again, windy and with showers, eventually reaching 15 degrees. Hard to believe it was 31 degrees only two days ago!

Into Bordeaux this morning to see the amazing immersive art exhibition housed in the former WWII submarine base built by the Germans. The halls are still full of water which provided stunning reflections.

Then into the city centre for lunch and a visit to the cathedral, before getting caught up in roadworks and the rush hour which turned a half hour drive into a stressful hour and a half.

In extras, more scenes from the art exhibition (hard to decide which I liked best), as well as a couple of views of Bordeaux. My photos don’t really do the exhibition justice, the link above will give you a much better idea.

Thank you so much for all your kind comments, stars and hearts. It’s very late again so will catch up with your journals tomorrow.

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