Roll With It

By Falmike

Defence Gardening Scheme

I went gardening today, my knowledge of plants, be they flowers, herbs, vegetables or weeds is pretty sketchy, but this came highly recommended by a friend.
The scheme uses gardening as therapy, outside, hopefully in the sun, working either alone or within a team to produce an end result. I have signed up for the twelve week course, it’s free and my part days, Wednesdays, are for Military Veterans, other days and the remainder of Wednesdays have courses for the homeless, unemployed, those socially prescribed and others.
I’m doing it for me, phone left in the car for the duration, no demands on me, just one of the team, weeding, planting, potting, working, the sausage baps at lunch help as well.
No photos, not without the cohorts permission, maybe in a week or two.

Instead a photo of a relaxed Joshua in the club of which we are both members enjoying a beer or three in the evening.
It’s been a good day.

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