
By LadyFindhorn

Still Life with………Cherry Blossom

Honestly officer this little branch had  broken off and was lying on the ground. I only picked it up. I can’t explain how it came to be broken but I am not guilty as charged. I rescued it and  have given it a new home.

The Ivy on the Square beckoned this morning for my monthly get together with my school friend Alyson. This last week has seemed almost like a school reunion, so many former class mates have I met and how many others have been remembered in conversation.
We sat amongst tourists consuming hearty breakfasts while we dallied for 2 hours with toast and marmalade. It’s never that the management suggest we leave but when the waiters start putting white lunch tablecloths on adjacent tables , we get the message and go our separate ways.

Nothing about the persistent greyness of these days encourages me to stroll through the hood, but I did manage to force myself out for a circuit of the Meadows and at least it was dry.
This week the exam season starts in Scotland. 
I have two 16 year old grandkids sitting Nat 5s and two 18 year olds sitting advanced Highers. Many decades ago when I was that age you could guarantee a May heatwave which made studying such a chore when the rest of the world was sunbathing. Nowadays this generation are not missing out on anything.

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