
By dogwithnobrain

And I'm the one who will stay

From having a few days where I have doubted myself today was a day of wonder 

The sun was shining 

I got in and there was an envelope on my desk with a 'thought you would enjoy this experience' note on it 

One chap came in and placed a bottle bag on my desk, kissed my head and said ' for when it comes 

Then someone else came into my office with a carrier bag with sweet treats and beer .... .because you and Si just keep giving 

I went up stairs and hugged the giver of the envelope.    

And I laughed when she said 'i would have got you a night at the anchorage and a type 23 destroyer in the harbour... But the voucher was all I could manage 

It all made me smile a lot and made me feel a whole lot happier 

Onwards and upwards 

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