
By schorschi

rus House

Angie forced me to change the photo this evening when she saw the original. Only thing left to photo at 20:15 was the pizza she smuggled in after she had been to her weekly "Body Balance" , "Spine Fit" and sauna sessions at the local sports centre. Visiting hours are only until 19:00 but the hobnobs were all here for an evening buffet to mark the opening of a new pain therapy centre. I was downstairs to meet her and as we went to the lift just holding the two large pizza boxes, the #1 hobnob (Head of the County & chairman of the hospital board) together with the mayor of Ottobeuren passed us with a broad grin. Turned out they were on their way out to have a puff so that links nicely to my original Blip for today of the Smokers hut in the hospital gardens.

This is probably where I would have ended up had the "negative" test result that arrived at midday after 48 hours, been positive.

Now allowed to roam at will although the weather not playing along. Feeling great but hanging on until tomorrow as one of the Docs is taking a very keen interest, which of course is very positive and for which I am very thankful.

Another Blip day goes by without commenting! Getting withdrawal symptoms.

The wooden hut is the smoking zone / shelter and while I don't defend smoking, it isn't yet illegal. This hut, complete with geraniums, is a very humane compromise compared to the facility in the major hospital in Memmingen, which if animals were kept in would lead to prosecution.

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