
By schorschi

Home to snow

This afternoon got the "well, but" OK to go home and the sun came out causing a (goat??) willow on the horse paddock to throw it's entire energy in to throwing it's seeds in to the air. Looks like it is snowing, the ground is white even the dogs & cats. Sadly the animal/snow photos didn't turn out well and by the time I got around to checking it was dark. However the miserable weeks weather has gone and we are promised a few summer days.

Had an ultrasound this morning and constructive discussion with a specialist this morning. Seems things under control & feel confident they will keep me hobbling about & continuing to pester Blipers for some time to come. In simple terms, the antibiotics I was given for the original unrelated problem, completely washed me out of all fluids and the kidneys went on strike. Of course it wasn't helpful that I delayed getting help for 24 hours but I was told from an early age not to complain & real men don't read manuals. Hence medical and photographic problems.

My thanks to MrsB & her wonderful colleagues at Ottobeuren Hospital. An enlightening experience and one that blows the theory of bigger is better, out the window. Quality medicine has a very high price and we need centers of excellence but there is a very important role for the smaller, rural, local hospitals that have other essential qualities to offer. If I had the money, would love to donate a few barrels of beer to the employees for this weekend's town festival on the marketplace. If you have the time, take a look at the excellent town hall webcam over the weekend. Tonight a free pop concert and then the traditional beer/umpah bands on Saturday & Sunday. July sees the summer festival season getting in to full swing with almost every town & village organising a weekend with beer & music playing the major role.

IF I'm up to it but more particularly if Angie is up to it, we might pop over for a short walk & a beer at the weekend - good for the kidneys, so may have two! Angie was close to collapsing this morning when she had a session with a speech therapist (due to a breathing problem in nose & throat). Luckily she was lying on the floor when the doctor recognised the signs and advised her to go to her GP. Think my whole hospital circus has, quite understandably, pushed her to the limit, exactly when she has holiday, a time to recharge the batteries.

Enough of all this. We are now going uphill and looking forward to our visitors next weekend. They will be greeted by a house full of spider webs, garden full of weeds, dogs full of dung, horses coated in mud but what the hell, they are coming for fun and we want to be fit to enjoy it, so it will be a week of feet up on the sun lounger.

Been wonderful to Blip and both see the photo and keyboard but it's now late and so comments again postponed but in advance many thanks. Thanks specially to MrB who phoned daily and popped around this evening with a bee comb for the hens and a jar of freshly spun honey for us me. As Angie was in the final throws of cooking me a steak, had to cut him short with a 20cm white beer radish, and a few dill shoots from the greenhouse - sorry forgot to give you eggs but tomorrow or Sunday when we do the bees.

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