
By HarryJ

Éy Swáyel Siyá:Ye —

That's "Hello Friend" in Halq'emeylem.

As far as I can work out so far, iHalq'emeylem is the language that shows on the Stop sign in the extra, sorry about forgetting it yesterday.

I believe that the land where we are, is owned by the Tzeachten community, or are they actually the Ch"lyaqtal? Or are they the same?  here's  a link to more information about them. I find it absolutely fascinating.
Apart from that, it was a regular day, nothing special, nothing bad. 
I suppose I'd better give some context to why a picture of my living room is the picture for a Blip mostly about Indigenous lands. 
1. I didn't have another Blip.
2.Just about an hour before sunset, the sun streams through the windows, I like shadows.

Ah well...

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